Weiss wants to make amends, only to find. Jaune held a hand to his head, hoping to relieve himself of his throbbing headache as he tried to gain his bearings. Both her and the dragon glared at the boy. Winter Schnee looked out of the airship window. ] Team RWBY - Complete. Growing up, he didn't have a friend due to his mother's former moniker of 'Angel of Death's turning some of the children off and her infamous reputation of having a foul mouth. "Ruby. They would choose one champion and give him blessings and gifts. Service with a Smile By: Coeur Al'Aran. Jaune asked with a smile. Jaune Arc was in the zone, and while he shined when it came to tactics in the heat of combat, he was currently in quite possibly the safest place he could be; Beacon's library. "We need to do something," he said, as much to himself as to Weiss. "Tch" jaune said moving to his suitcase before stopping and looking at the tiara again. Jaune turned to his right to see Nora, Ren and Oscar standing beside his bed, looking over the tired knight. Percy muttered to himself, as he tried to push himself to his feet. So the only reason a person did it now would be if they were to find themselves in a life-threatening situation. Jaune still laughed at the exchange either way. However thankfully none of those were necessary, after all his teammates and team RWBY were reasonable, fair friends. It probably won't flow the cannon RWBY river but hey that's why it is a fanfic. He meets a demigod by the name of Pyrrha Nickos. But Ozpin has found something that can break. Yang. "I can't believe you're our leader. - Chapters: 44 - Words: 111,634 - Reviews: 1,044 - Favs: 1,275 - Follows: 1,177 - Updated: 4/2/2016 - Published: 9/4/2013 - Status: Complete. azndrgn is a fanfiction author that has written 23 stories for Final Fantasy X, Naruto, RWBY, Harry Potter, Beauty and the Beast, Teen Titans, Kingdom Hearts, Fairy Tail, Super Sentai, Kenichi the Mightiest Disciple, My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア, Final Fantasy XV, Persona Series, Rise of the Guardians, Justice League, Green. , L. (3 Years Ago) Hate wasn't something that came to Jaune Arc easily, but today it slipped over him like a warm blanket. The captain's voice echoed through the small cabin of the private airship. Salem asked "How. " It spoke, licking some blood as Jaune stayed alert. This made team RWBY remember the events of that day. Jaune quirks a brow when a tall middle-aged man with a slim build, slightly tanned skin and a bushy moustache walks into his office and starts surveying his surroundings. "At Least he did the right thing in the end" Ruby said, as while she didn't like the bully, he did the right thing in the end. FanFiction | unleash. One day, he stumbled upon a card shop and his life changed. came the voice of Taiyang, Ruby and Yang's father, and when they saw him then ran up to him and hugged him. the man from the cliff stepped out from behind a tree and brought his left fist down hard on the outside of Ruby's left knee. It mostly certainly didn't help that his sisters also had reputations of their own. He only had 3 friends, and all three of them couldn't really spend time with him outside of school because they were busy. He was like a brother. " Nico's eye twitched at the 'brat' remark. The first team was comprised of four teenage girls, the second of two more teenage girls and two teenage boys. Ultimis Richtofen, assisted by Che Guerrera, plans to absorb Salem, the closest one, to his own to destroy Samantha. "Air. His mouth was gritty and dry. shadowfox68 is an avid fanfiction reader and an active particpant in the world of. "Oh gods it started! I was too late!" However, one thing he was not was in fact confident, strange when he reflected on his first day at Beacon, but he was merely taking his dads terrible, terrible advice. But after hearing what his friend had done, he wasn't sure of anything anymore. First M rating based on possible versions in the future. Walking on top of solid fire was a new experience for her. She too had tears in her eyes. 6K 18. " He disagreed, shaking his shoulder to remove Jaune's hand. Every child of Arc lineage is taught this lesson. Ren] Team RWBY, Jaune A. The world has fused due to the existence of 4 beings from each side. She had to help bring in money too, but she always played with us afterwards. However, Summer Rose had stepped in to help him raise Yang then one thing after another they got married and little Ruby was born. Team RWBY sunk into their seats as the adults glared at them, not expecting their 'adventures' to be brought up like that. COD BO X RWBY Season 1 Trailer by The Afterdreamer. The strength of the Demigods. Jaune beat back the warm glow that bloomed his chest when she said his name. 'Winchester' will be a AU name where in this fanfic the Winchester family is a well known hunter/huntress family. Jaune stared in awe at the many amazing sights that passed before him. Another fun fact is that the Grimm thought that Jaune's only silver eye he obtain by merging with Goku's mind and soul was actually the Silver-eyed warriors thats why he was paralyzed. He became desperate after his botched comedy attempt and sought out help from the only man that could help him make more money than him in a single run. Chapter 1. In a Remnant where Vale never abolished its monarchy, Jaune sits rather low on the line of succession to be king. However in those recent years reports of missing airships and bullheads have been reported going in and it is up to team RWBY to investigate the missing ships on their first mission out. Service with a Smile by Coeur Al'Aran reviews. , Weiss S. , Team RWBY, Team JNPR, God of Darkness - Chapters: 90 - Words: 273,112 - Reviews: 921 - Favs: 1,132 - Follows:. Chapter 1: Prologue. But now the coming storm is alive with malice and death ready to wipe out humanities and all it's creations. Jaune hung his head in shame. Some unexpected events occur that will surprise everyone. This is Jaune Arc, a Huntsmen-in-training who had just finished the first semester of his studies at Beacon Academy. The sound of lightning and thunder echoed throughout the dark sky, signaling the change in the atmosphere around the two siblings. The sun was out, campers were heading this way and that, and Percy, I, and the Athena cabin were practicing naval combat on Greek triremes. This means, if Jaune were to go up against a lesser God (according to the Gods and Demigods Manual my DM had), and got lucky, he could effectively 1-SHOT them. RWBY - Rated: T - English - Humor/Parody - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,806 - Reviews: 23. Unknown to most, the Grail has become a cursed object. Even a socially awkward and insensitive person like himself can't help but fall to the kawaiiness. Those you following my other story, Lost Rose, will already know (assuming you've read my author's notes, which isn't a given) that this story is actually the older of the two. Jaune, age 9, was the most well-behaved, but also the most quiet. "said Ruby, who was trying to help out Jaune. Only for his feet to slip on the loamy ground, as his legs gave way beneath him, Collapsing back onto the soft, leaf-covered ground, a sudden wave of tiredness and nausea hit him all of sudden. Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Romance - Jaune A. The Darkness and the Angelus have been at war since the Creation, before which the Darkness was the original void of primordial chaos. " Qrow said as he took hold of his upper arm. will he. Sort: Category. It was the dead of night. 213 - Favs: 839 - Follows: 929 - Updated: 11/16/2020 - Published: 8/1/2018 - Ozpin, Jaune A. Without hesitation, she headed for the mess hall. His mind began to drift off to the day he was abandoned. Reviews: 202 - Favs: 760 - Follows: 940 - Updated: 4/9/2018 - Published: 8/2/2017 - Jaune A. Somewhere in the distance of a giant living statue, a blonde-haired man clapped. On a dark and stormy night, Jaune Arc so happened to be waiting at a bus stop, for a ride that would never come. In this fanfic there are 6 Archangels one of them was the archangel of honor. Someone who Velvet and Jaune both disliked. Let's calm down and put the weapons away for now. Cardin Winchester. He knew this very fact when she took a step towards him and the frozen Ruby, and the floor caved in. 0-0-0-0. , Team RWBY, Team JNPR - Complete. Beacon was the last obstacle, the last test. Jaune Arc's Pain by YARNfics reviews. He was stopped when Nora gave him a surprise bear-hug, "Thanks Jaune-Jaune!" The two not noticing Pyrrha's jealous gaze. A sharp sliding noise occurred before a glass filled with a bright red drink filled his vision. Then the witch spoke. The Arc of the Necromancer by defiasstone2 reviews. . "He's awake" A young voice spoke. So dexter leapt to the side and rammed the Beowolf into a tree. That was half of the grimm population on this continent, and yet you slaughtered them all and here you are winded. Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Jaune A. 402 403 Next → The Next Step by SarafinaSmiles RWBY Mature Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death No category Work in Progress 21 Jul 2023 Graphic. jaune rwby pyrrha ruby weiss nora blake yang ren jaunearc rwbyfanfic rubyrose ozpin blakebelladonna jnpr yangxiaolong weissschnee noravalkyrie lieren qrow. Young Justice and RWBY crossover fanfiction archive with over 13 stories. Lancer, Caster, and Saber to name a few. Jaune smiled back. She looked like a kicked puppy. 4 - Words: 12,991 - Reviews: 102 - Favs: 504 - Follows: 643 - Updated: 12/31/2021 - Published: 3/29/2016 - [Team RWBY, Jaune A. A figure draped in a long cloak of black and red, encased in an armour of pure darkness kneeled on the floor as his blood slowly leaked from his form. , God of Light, God of Darkness - Chapters: 8 - Words: 67,706 - Reviews: 184 - Favs: 652 - Follows: 797 - Updated: 1/27 - Published: 1/22/2019 - id: 13185889A comfortable silence settled between the two as they silent reminisced over a time long since past. 849 - Favs: 2,534 - Follows: 2,215 - Updated: 1/24/2018 - Published: 1/17/2017 - [Jaune A. "GIRLS!" Serena yelled, causing everyone to go silent. "She was tireless. 'Likewise, Yasha. Now, Jaune has to learn to learn to live and uncover the knight he was born to be. Although the Rusted Knight found a purpose in protecting the Paper Pleasers, he still longed for the return of his old friends. Warning: May contain sex, drama, love relationships, plot. "Ruby Rose; a fifteen year old Huntress-in-training at Signal Academy, and Jaune Arc; known celebrity and competitive tournament fighter, more commonly known by his titles as 'The Magician,' and 'Eternal Second Placer. Second of all. Becoming the favourite haunt for students, teachers and criminals alike…?The newly born Aura still reached out and clung to Jaune and the Grimm's fragments, slowly attaining life in a whole new way. ' Team RWBY and NPR, as well with some others, are brought to the temple of the scribes. And slowly, but surely, the snowy white complexion of Jaune's Aura turned deathly pitch-black as the remnants of the Grimm got absorbed into his body by the pull of his Aura and frantic heart. Salem managed to get on top of the dragon while Jaune was buisy. Meet Jaune Arc, a seriously confused and overpowered teenage protagonist; who doesn't quite understand why he is suddenly on a planet with a broken moon. Net; Originally Posted on FanFiction. Rated: Fiction M - English - Drama/Romance - [Jaune A. The House of D'Arc By: snakeboy33. As Blake opened to the first page she once more felt the age of the book in front of her. Jaune as he was fighting the Grimm, he was getting excited in fighting since Saiyans love the thrill of battle. a lifetime of running had given Ruby weak knees. Inspired by many DEATH BATTLE! RWBY reaction stories, the 4 girls receive a present from a secret admirer of Yang. If you've written an OC story and want it added it, feel free to contact me. In the distance, she could see Beacon Academy glistening, a light in the rapidly waning sunlight. Words: 57,880 - Reviews: 93 - Favs: 487 - Follows: 499 - Updated: 9/19/2017 - Published: 4/30/2017 - Jaune A. 4K 5. "That's our Fearless Leader!" Nora said happily while wildly swinging him around. A sudden opportunity, and he's flung into the world of adult entertainment. The second woman was. "Did he give you any trouble today," Jaune asked, his voice becoming serious. The rest of the group laughed a bit at his expense. Please support the official release. Whoever she was, she was also unconscious. "Yet he who reigns within himself, and rules passions, desires, and fears, is more a king". Pyrrha watched as Neo blocked a swing of Jaune's blade with her boot, before kicking the sword away, moving the shield with the same leg, and thrusting her blade forward, into Jaune's chest and straight through his heart. Maybe not quite legends, like his great. Also: FIRST! Lance. CHAPTER 1: Jaune the Grimm knight. He may have earned the blade, but he has yet to earn the name. Jaune Arc possesses a unique ability to forge friendship in strangers. Chapter 5: A Clash of Revelations Part 2. " Percy's eyebrows shot up in surprise, as did his friends. The Beowolf cried out and collapsed to the side in pain. With Crocea Mors of course, due to its magical bonuses plus Jaune's physical bonuses. 9. Her left hand came up to rub the weariness from her eyes. She had forgotten it after she went with everyone to have some victory drinks. However, a careless mistake forces her to confront those feelings. "It was for a good. Suddenly Miló shot forth stabbing into the man making him jump back grabbing Crescent Rose as he did. Her teammates winced at that memory, the look on Jaune's face then did not sit well with any of them. The whole time, Nora kept its head covered in smoke, while Winter's summoned Nevermore – and a few real Nevermore – dived in and out, scratching at the God's eyes. Jaune's taken out of his thoughts when the double doors to his office open. Each servant will belong to a specific class that describes their role in combat, i. "This is for the best, young man. Chosen of the Light and Darkness. Completely undecided at this point. Looking down, jaune noticed the short red cloak he had once worn. God of Grimm's By: FunbariVoid. Also this is a RWBY x Seven Deadly Sins story!Jaune was prepared for many things when he returned from abandoning his friends to that world's view, harsh words, owing odd favors and even preparing himself to tell embarrassing tales of his childhood as reparations. And this monster will destroy the team in a way that will never be recovered, and tear the other heroes apart before. A bronze skin in Arcadia, taken from the Vacuo dunes on a whim when Jaune learned of a surprisingly capable bronze skin that could do wonders with numbers and was an accounting wizard! Jaune had offered the at the time, impoverished homeless girl, a job at his own branch of Arc munitions. Jaune Arc/Team RWBY (32) Jaune Arc/Pyrrha Nikos (15) Jaune Arc/Blake Belladonna (12) Jaune Arc/Neopolitan (11) Jaune Arc/Ruby. After Alyx's betrayal, Jaune Arc was alone again. Team RWBY are reunited at Haven Academy, planning their next move against Cinder and Salem, when a new enemy rises from the darkness, a new servant of the Dark Queen. The Coming Storm By: Venom Snake-117. " Qrowella would paused a moment. They are brought there in order to witness the full potential of Jaune Arc. RWBY: Ragnarok By: DeamonHunter. The final battle is currently being fought. Silence hung between the two for a brief moment. 4 years later, Percy had grown to be a powerful 9 years old. " With a big head that he has, the man also has a set of big ears which hears Jaune's insult as clear as day. Net; Reaction; Multiverse; Television Watching; Beacon (RWBY) Didn't Fall; Volume 3 (RWBY) Volume 2 (RWBY). . The werewolf-like monstrosity makes its way into frame just as the pebble hits the puddle with a splash, sending a ripple throughout. It was a strange dream, quite unlike any dream she had ever had before. "She's strong- really strong," Jaune continued. Jaune's Video Diary By: AngeloGene. " Jaune manages to stutter out as his heart rate speeds up. An: Hello guys! Here's the renewed version of my Grimm Ascension story! Just know that it's a lot different from the original. " Nora clapped in appreciation, and Yang chuckled as well as she pulled Ruby into a noogie-hug at Ruby's own interest. Vytal Festival (RWBY) Cross-Posted on FanFiction. The Beowolves got tired of waiting and rushed the demigods, with a roar. The god nods to confirm the boys' statement. Ren just shakes his head, silently telling Nora to let it go. Annabeth and Percy are trying to get along.